Student Health & Support Services
Welcome to Student Health & Support Services. Arroyo Grande High School is dedicated to providing students with the necessary services to meet medical, dental, vision and mental health needs. Assistance can be located in the Health Services office located between the main office and the gym. Hours are 7:30 - 4:00 when school is in session.
Data Confirmation/Homelink:
Data Confirmation should be completed for each student at the beginning of each school year and accessed through your parent Homelink account. Any changes to Emergency contacts, phone numbers, emails and/or addresses can be updated through Homelink. Please keep your records up to date, this is vital to the safety and welfare of your child. Contact the school office if you have any questions regarding Homelink.
Health Services Secretary:
Contact the Health Services Secretary at 805-474-3200, extension 2188.
Fax is: 805-473-4269
School Nurse:
Our school nurse is Cameron Epley. The nurse provides emergency care for injuries or illness that occur on campus. He will contact you, if necessary, using the phone numbers listed on your emergency card in the office. The school nurse works closely with staff on students identified health concerns and provides a supportive school care plan to all teachers. If you would like to schedule a meeting to meet with the school nurse, please contact the Secretary.
If your child becomes sick or injured at school:
Students cannot be released without the consent of a parent, guardian or other person listed on the Emergency Card. If, following an injury your child has a cast or brace and needs classroom accommodations, please notify the school nurse for accommodations. If your child is absent from school for more than three days, a note from the doctor is required. Please provide a doctors note if your child is absent for more than three days or if you have received a notice from the school about excessive absences from the school, a note from your physician is required.